Health Benefits of Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented tea that is commonly consumed not for its taste, but for its health perks. This healthy beverage is made of fermented green tea (or black tea) with yeast, sugar, and bacteria.

Many people swear by Kombucha’s health benefits, naming it a natural remedy for many health conditions including inflammation and digestive issues, and deeming it a health elixir. Many people feel better after drinking a bottle of Kombucha, as it can help settle an upset stomach or even provide a clean boost of natural energy.

For thousands of years, Kombucha has been naturally fermented and consumed for its health benefits. (Many people don’t particularly love the taste of Kombucha, but drink it for the sake of their wellness.)

Kombucha is a probiotic-rich, gut-friendly tea that can kill harmful bacteria in the body and potentially help fight against several cancers and diseases.

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, so it’s natural that Kombucha made with green tea would have the same health benefits and more.

You may benefit from adding Kombucha to your diet. However, it’s not advised to try to make Kombucha at home. This is because over-fermented, improperly prepared or contaminated Kombucha can cause serious health problems and even death. Kombucha also needs to be pasteurized. Without pasteurization, harmful microorganisms could cause food poisoning. For these reasons, it’s safest to buy bottled Kombucha at the grocery store. Opt for organic Kombucha without the added sugar, and don’t consume more than 12 ounces of kombucha per day. Below are some of the health benefits of drinking Kombucha:


Kombucha is Rich in Antioxidants

People are always trying to get more antioxidants in their diet, for good reason. Antioxidants fight the free radicals that can damage the cells in your body.

Kombucha, especially when made with green tea, has antioxidant effects in your liver. This means that drinking Kombucha can potentially reduce liver toxicity.

Kombucha Can Kill Harmful Bacteria

During the fermentation process, acetic acid is produced in Kombucha. Acetic acid helps kill harmful bacteria, making Kombucha a healthy beverage with antibacterial properties. Candida yeasts and infection-causing bacteria can be killed with the acetic acid in Kombucha.

May Help Protect Against Cancer

We don’t know why so many healthy people get cancer, but all around the globe, people who live healthy lifestyles are hit with a sudden cancer diagnosis.

We know that cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death. Since cancer is known to be caused by uncontrolled cell growth and cell mutations, it should be no surprise that the antioxidant effects of Kombucha could help prevent cancer.

Due to its high concentration of tea polyphenols and antioxidants, Kombucha can help prevent the growth of cancerous cells.


Potential Source of Probiotics

Probiotics are important because they provide your gut with the healthy bacteria it needs for optimal digestion, reduced inflammation, and the promotion of weight loss.

When Kombucha is made, specific strains of bacteria, yeast, and sugar are added to black or green tea. The mixture is then fermented for one week or more.

During the fermentation process, bacteria and yeast form a mushroom-like film on the surface of the tea. It doesn’t look appetizing, but it contains lactic-acid bacteria which may contain probiotics. These healthy little microbes can greatly benefit your digestive system.

The living probiotics present in a bottle of Kombucha can help replenish the gut and boost immune health.

Kombucha Could Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Drinking Kombucha could help protect you against the world’s leading cause of death: heart disease. This is especially true if you drink Kombucha made with green tea. This beverage helps protect LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation, which can help prevent heart disease.

Find Out the Optimal Diet for You Based on Your DNA

Aside from Kombucha, what else should you be consuming? Your DNA can tell you a lot about what diet suits you best. A CircleDNA test will provide you with 500 reports in over 20 categories, including insightful diet and nutrition reports to help you figure out the optimal diet type for you to follow, based on your genetics.

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