How to Feel Beautiful Without Makeup

Since there are many skin benefits that come with wearing less makeup on your face, it’s important to learn how to feel beautiful without makeup. Some people have skin conditions that make them feel the need to wear makeup all the time, but those skin conditions can typically be better treated when your skin has a chance to breathe.

Mastering how to feel beautiful without makeup will also save you a ton of time getting ready, and you’ll save a lot of money on beauty products.

The natural look is also very attractive and beautiful, as many find a face full of makeup to be off-putting. Raw beauty is a trend for a reason, and it’s one more people should try.

Once you feel like you don’t need to paint your face anytime you have to meet someone or leave the house, a weight will be lifted, and it will feel amazing. You’ll likely notice your skin improving as you stop covering it with layers of makeup, and you’ll feel beautiful without makeup in no time. It’s time to enhance your natural beauty by wearing less makeup, but if this is a transition for you, the below tips and tricks will help ease your transition:

1. Implement a Consistent Skincare Routine

The people who look best without makeup on and have truly learned how to feel beautiful without makeup are often those who have learned fantastic skincare routines. Spend some time researching and experimenting to find high-quality skincare products that work for you. Look for quality ingredients in skincare products such as plant-based glycerin, which is a very good ingredient for your skin.

It’s crucial that regularly exfoliating your skin is part of your skincare routine. A high-quality exfoliant or facial polish will work wonders on your skin if used every few days, consistently. Exfoliants and facial polishes will remove the dull and dry skin layer to reveal the smoother, brighter and younger-looking skin beneath. While your skin is still damp from the shower, apply a high-quality moisturizer to your skin, and some eye cream. If you maintain a solid skincare routine consistently, you’ll figure out how to feel beautiful without makeup in no time.

Don’t forget to include sunscreen in your skincare routine. Protecting your skin from sun exposure is a big part of maintaining skin health.

2. Eat Skin-Nourishing Foods


Diet plays a major role in the appearance of your skin. You should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Eat plant-based, water-rich foods (such as cucumbers) to keep your skin looking great as well as antioxidant-rich foods.

Fruits that are high in antioxidants (which help to protect your skin from exposure to the air’s pollutants) are great for your skin. Your skin cells simply stay healthier with more antioxidant-rich foods in your diet. Kale, spinach, papaya, carrots and blueberries, for example, are good for keeping your skin glowing so that you can learn how to feel beautiful without makeup. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also very good for your skin. Try swapping soda or other drinks for water whenever you can.

Do you have dark circles under your eyes? Eating the right foods can help with this problem, too, so that you can feel more confident without wearing an under-eye concealer. A common reason for dark circles under the eyes, for example, is an iron deficiency. Try incorporating more of these iron-rich foods into your diet.

3. Swap Eye Makeup for Eyelash Tinting

It’s natural to want your eyes to pop, and mascara and eyeliner definitely help with this. However, makeup is not actually needed to make your eyes pop or to volumize, darken or lengthen your eyelashes. You can grow your eyelashes using a growth serum, you can darken your lashes with a simple lash tint, and you can even add volume to your lashes with a lash lift.

An eyelash tint will create the look of eyeliner because the base of your lashes will be darker, and it will create the look of mascara by darkening the tips of your lashes. Many people have eyelashes with lighter tips, but a simple eyelash tint takes care of this. An eyelash lift is another service offered by many beauty salons which include the tint as well as a volume-enhancing product being applied to your natural eyelashes. You’ll soon find that you feel beautiful without mascara, eyeliner, or even eyeshadow.

4. Trade Foundation for an Organic Self-Tanner

Unlike foundation which people tend to apply every day, self-tanner can be applied once per week, and the glow it gives your skin lasts about 7 days.

In general, sunless tanning is a fantastic alternative to wearing makeup, as it makes your skin radiate and looks flawless.

Self-tanning products don’t stay on your skin as a heavy layer the way foundation or face makeup does. You wash it off and enjoy the effects for up to one week before having to apply it again. Many brands even have organic self-tanning products full of skin-health benefits.

5. Try Microblading on Your Eyebrows


Don’t underestimate the power of a beautiful set of eyebrows when it comes to mastering how to feel beautiful without makeup. Eyebrows, when groomed the right way for your face shape, make your eyes pop and highlight your other facial features. Microblading is semi-permanent eyebrow tattooing using a microblade that mimics the look of eyebrow hairs. This treatment lets you wake up with perfectly shaped and shaded eyebrows each morning, making you feel more confident without wearing makeup. Microblading looks very natural, as the pigment colour is matched to your skin tone and hair colour.

Eyebrows frame the face beautifully, especially when shaped correctly, which microblading artists know how to do.

6. Get Plenty of Beauty Sleep

It’s called “beauty sleep” for a reason. If you get enough sleep and feel refreshed, you’ll also look refreshed. Your skin will look less tired and more youthful, the more sleep you get. If getting quality sleep is a struggle for you, try modifying your sleep hygiene or fixing your sleep schedule.

How To Get Ahead of Skin Conditions

If you want to learn which skin conditions you’re genetically at risk for, to get ahead of potential problems with skin confidence, we can help. Try CircleDNA and get a full skin analysis report and skin profile based on your DNA. Understanding your skin will certainly help with feeling confident in it, with or without makeup.

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