Atkins Diet: Beginner’s Guide and Overview

The Atkins diet is easy to follow once you understand it. Are you looking for an easy-to-follow weight loss and healthy eating plan that aligns with your…

What is Your Circadian Rhythm And Why is it Important?

Are you aware of how important your circadian rhythm is? All of us have internal clocks that we don’t hear tick. These internal clocks help us wake…

What is Calisthenics and Why is it So Effective?

Calisthenics are exercises that rely solely on a person’s body weight for resistance and require little to no equipment. If you’re at the beach and you suddenly…

Sleep Hygiene: How To Get Better Sleep

Sleep hygiene is essentially all about how to get better rest through lifestyle and bedtime routine changes. Poor rest affects our physical and mental health in many…

Top 10 Benefits of DNA Testing

With great knowledge about oneself comes great power, and that’s why there are so many benefits of DNA testing. When you get a DNA test, you can…

What is Alcohol Intolerance? Signs You Might Have It

What is alcohol intolerance? It’s not just waking up with a particularly bad hangover when you drank too much of a specific kind of alcohol, like wine,…

Emotional Intelligence In Relationships: Why You Need A Partner With A High EQ

When it comes to relationships, we all have our wish list and dealbreakers, but emotional intelligence in relationships is key. Both partners should work on actively practising…

Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms and How to Get Treatment

Are you getting enough vitamin D, or is it possible you have a vitamin D deficiency? Your body needs vitamin D because it’s vital for the health…

How to Combat a Sweet Tooth and Curb Sugar Cravings

Many people gearing up for summer want to learn how to combat a sweet tooth. Do you watch someone else eat a piece of cake or cookies…

Most Effective Exercises For Weight Loss: Cardio, Weight Lifting, or HIIT?

If you’re trying to get in better shape, it’s natural to wonder which are the most effective exercises for weight loss and toning up. Should you be…

Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month in 2021 with 6 CircleDNA Changemakers

6 inspiring CircleDNA Changemakers celebrate Pride Month by sharing their stories. Learn how you can understand yourself better and embrace your uniqueness. There is so much more…

Father’s Day Special: Best #CircleCelebratesDad Stories

The time has come for us to celebrate and give credit to our greatest superheroes #CircleCelebratesDads this Father’s Day. Being the man of the house comes with…