All You Need To Know About The Soy-Free Diet
Curious about the soy-free lifestyle? Find out how suitable this diet is to your nutritional needs.

What Angelina Jolie’s Breast Cancer Story Teaches Us About Cancer Prevention
Angelina Jolie’s breast cancer prevention surgery decision started with the death of her mother. Jolie didn’t want her children to lose their mother to breast cancer or…

What Does The Biopsychosocial Model of Health Tell Us About Well-Being?
The biopsychosocial model of health is a unique approach to understanding the factors involved in the overall health, well-being, and healing of human beings. An alternative approach…
5 Interesting Myths About The Moon
It’s no wonder why there are so many interesting myths about the moon, considering it’s so fascinating. The moon has been a central figure of beauty, mystery,…

5 Father’s Day Gifts To Show You Care About Your Dad’s Health
This Father’s Day, you may want to consider getting your dad a gift that helps improve his health in some way. Perhaps your dad struggles with an…

What Influences Health And What Can Bring About Change?
There’s more to good health than most people realize. In honour of World Health Day which is on April 7, we just published an article on, What…

What Does An Antibody Test Tell About Your Immunity Towards COVID-19?
There are two different main types of tests for COVID-19. There’s an antibody test, which tests your antibody levels to help determine your level of immunity towards…

What Can A Blood Test Tell You About Yourself?
It’s incredible what a blood test can tell you about yourself, and how much you can learn about yourself from taking a blood test. We often dread…

How To Inform Your Loved Ones About Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis
One of the most difficult aspects of coping with a breast cancer diagnosis is sharing the heartbreaking news with the people you love. Informing family and friends…

Real Talk About the Stages of Breast Cancer
Spreading awareness about the stages of breast cancer is important because if you find out a loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer, the stage they…

Can Men Get Breast Cancer? The Truth about Male Breast Cancer
Can men get breast cancer? This is a common question coming up during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, also known as ‘Pink October’. Men do have breast tissue,…

Is CircleDNA Premium Worth It? Josephine Chong Finds Out About Alzheimer’s Risks
Is CircleDNA Premium worth it? Joesphine Chong’s story with Alzheimer’s might be able to answer you. When I first became interested in obtaining DNA test results from…