What Are The 7 Chakras And How Can You Unblock Them?
Chakra healing is a type of spiritual healing that is considered quite powerful by those who understand it and practice it. Physiological practices of certain forms of…

What Are The 7 Chakras And How Can You Unblock Them?
Chakra healing is a type of spiritual healing that is considered quite powerful by those who understand it and practice it. Physiological practices of certain forms of…
What Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Say About Qi?
You may have heard about qi (pronounced “chee”) which is a fundamental component in Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM for short). Qi is all manifestations of energy….

The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi
One of the reasons why Tai Chi is such a popular activity is because of the many health benefits of Tai Chi. You’ve likely seen people doing…

Causes of Fatigue That Might Surprise You
There are many possible causes of fatigue, but once you figure out what’s causing you to be so tired, it becomes easier to combat it. Some of…

Top 5 Affordable Tips to Stay Fit & Healthy at Home
People around the world have been trying to establish new routines at home and find ways to stay fit at home. Many of you may be wondering:…