Looking for a Personal Trainer? Beware These 5 Mistakes

If you’ve got yourself a shiny new gym membership card, chances are, you’re looking for a PT, or personal trainer, to help you put your best foot…

Building Muscle? Avoid These 7 Common Mistakes

Wherever you are on your fitness journey, there’s no denying that seeing change in the mirror is an amazing feeling. It’s not just looking good in the…

Most Common Intermittent Fasting Mistakes

Intermittent fasting, if done correctly, and successfully avoiding some common intermittent fasting mistakes, can result in many health benefits. Intermittent fasting can be an excellent way to…

12 Inadvertent Oral Health Mistakes You Could Be Making

Some oral health mistakes are more common than others, but there are plenty of mistakes people make when it comes to properly caring for their teeth. In…

The Top 5 Biggest Diet Mistakes to Avoid

Want to drop a few kilos or maintain a steady weight this year? You have to do more than watch your diet! Make sure you steer clear…