Why Should You Track Your Blood Sugar Level?

If you don’t track your blood sugar, or ever know where it’s at, it may be time to start tracking it. Do you often find yourself craving…

Why You Should Keep Your Gym Membership This Summer

It’s common for people to cancel their gym membership in the summer, because the weather is nice enough to exercise outdoors, and do outdoor water sports. In…

What Should I Write On My Mother’s Day Card?

If anyone deserves a thoughtfully written Mother’s Day card, it’s your mom. Practically superheroes in their own right, mothers are amazing women who guide us through life….

Should You Get A Pet?

There are many reasons to get a pet, and many benefits of having a pet, but you also need to reflect on whether or not you’re ready…

Why You Should Read More Often

There are many reasons why you should read more often, as there are many health benefits of reading. In our history, reading and access to books was…

What Is A Fertility Test And Who Should Get One?

There might be a few different reasons why people decide to get a fertility test. If you’ve been having difficulty conceiving, if you’re a woman starting a…

Should You Shift From Body Positivity To Body Neutrality?

Body neutrality is a body image mindset that involves not being too concerned or focused on the way your body looks, and simply being neutral about it….

What Should Women Expect During Their Annual Health Check Up?

Many people aren’t responsible enough to remember to schedule an annual health check up, or they just don’t want to. After all, it is slightly uncomfortable and…

Why You Should Let Your Kids Play Outside During Winter

If you’re guilty of staying indoors with your kids all winter and not letting them play outside very often, you’re not alone. However, staying cooped up in…

What Happens When You Eat Fried Food, And Why Should You Cut Down?

Many of us eat fried food all the time, without giving it much thought. Frying food is a common cooking technique used around the world. We seem…

Top Reasons Why Everyone Should Go To Therapy

There are many reasons why everyone should go to therapy, regardless of whether or not they’ve been through serious trauma. According to statistics, approximately 1 in 10…

Why Should You Stretch Both Before And After A Workout?

Many people neglect to stretch before and after a workout because they don’t truly understand the benefits of stretching. Why should you stretch? The most common reason…