What is the Aurora Borealis and How Can I See It?

You may have seen various pictures or videos of the aurora borealis on social media. It is one of the most beautiful natural gifts from the universe…

Best DNA Test For Weight Loss: See CircleDNA Reviews From Our Circlers!

Using a DNA test for weight loss works because by learning about your genetic predispositions, you can learn what to avoid eating, what to eat, and what…

Communication Mastery: How To Communicate With Your Partner And Be Heard

The most common reason a couple will seek therapy tends to be a communication breakdown in the relationship. Without knowing how to communicate, one or both parties…

5 Interesting Myths About The Moon

It’s no wonder why there are so many interesting myths about the moon, considering it’s so fascinating. The moon has been a central figure of beauty, mystery,…

5 Health Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

Everyone knows that habits such as eating a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, and engaging in meditation practice can do wonders for your health. You may be…

How The Moon Affects Us: 5 Common Beliefs About The Power And Influence Of The Moon

The moon is one of the most interesting and mysterious forces in our lives, and how the moon affects us is a popular conversation. For starters, the…

5 Natural Pain Relievers To Cope With Pain Safely

Why is it important to find natural pain relievers that work for you? The truth is that chronic pain is a very common problem. Whether it’s chronic…

Postpartum Diet: Postnatal Nutrition Tips

There are certain guidelines you need to be informed of when it comes to your postpartum diet. The right postpartum diet and good nutrition can speed up…

Raise Your Vibration: What Does it Mean to Vibrate at a High Frequency?

What does it actually mean to raise your vibration, and why is it important? You, along with everything around you, vibrate and create energy. All the elements…

What is The Nordic Diet?

The Nordic diet (also referred to as the Scandinavian diet) focuses on locally sourced food that is sustainably farmed from Nordic countries. Compared to other diets, it…

DNA Test Comparison | Which One Is Best?

DNA tests offer many insights including ancestry information, genetic health risks, personality traits, sleep patterns, and much more. With such a wide variety of options available, have…

What is Genetic Inheritance?

Genetic inheritance or gene inheritance refers to how genetic information is passed from parents to their children, and this typically results in inheritable genetic variation. It’s not…