Atkins Diet: Beginner’s Guide and Overview

The Atkins diet is easy to follow once you understand it. Are you looking for an easy-to-follow weight loss and healthy eating plan that aligns with your…

Vegan VS Raw Vegan: Which Diet is Better?

Because of the rise in popularity of plant-based diets, a vegan VS raw vegan debate has been popular, too. Followers of a vegan diet have a lot…

Keto Diet and Mental Health: Surprising Health Benefits of the Keto Diet

Mental health awareness has taken off in recent years, and for many, there is definitely a noticeable relationship between the keto diet and mental health. Many of…

What Is the Flexitarian Diet, and What are the Benefits of Trying it?

If you’ve researched the benefits of plant-based diets, you’ve probably heard of the Flexitarian diet. So, what exactly is a Flexitarian? It’s not a new form of…

What is the Mediterranean Diet, and is it Right for You?

What is the Mediterranean diet? The sound of that name is enough to get most of us thinking about exotic foods and beach getaways. But many health…

Does Eating Early Before a Workout Burn More Carbs?

Can doing a workout burn carbs when you eat before you exercise? Any kind of workout will help you to get rid of unwanted fat and burn…

Joanna Soh: How to Find the Perfect Diet for Your Genes

Is there such thing as a perfect diet? According to Joanna Soh, it is possible to find that out! Do they actually work? Scientific studies have shown…

Is Chocolate a Health Food? Eating Chocolate, the Right Way

Easter has just passed by, and for many of us, that meant homes filled with chocolate. Does chocolate have health benefits? via GIPHY Of course, chocolate isn’t…

Top 5 Affordable Tips to Stay Fit & Healthy at Home

People around the world have been trying to establish new routines at home and find ways to stay fit at home. Many of you may be wondering:…

Eating Too Much Vs. Eating Too Little

Your diet should work in unison with your journey to achieve your goals. However, diet doesn’t mean eating less, and this is where many people get confused…

Antioxidants: Do They Make Your Workouts More Effective?

We’ve all heard the word “antioxidants” but what does it even mean? Antioxidants are the front line in defense when it comes to combating free radicals that…

Set SMART Health Goals (and Actually Reach Them) in 2021

Goals are something we all have. Some people want to lose weight; others want to quit smoking, or improve their work/life balance. When we feel bursts of…