Introducing CircleDNA’s Newest Global Brand Ambassador: Kimberley Anne Woltemas

Prenetics is proud to introduce Thai-German superstar Kimberley Anne Woltemas as CircleDNA’s newest global brand ambassador. The actress and model turned into an internet sensation after her…

Trying to Unlock Healthy Weight Loss Insights With The World’s Most Comprehensive Fitness DNA Test?

“This Fitness-Focused DNA test is helping thousands of people to ‘unlock’ their well-being and consistently live a healthier life…” Every year, millions of women and men worldwide…

Which DNA Testing is Most Accurate? CircleDNA’s Whole Exome Sequencing Technology Guarantees Accuracy

Most, if not all, people should have asked this question when they first start choosing between myriad DNA tests: which DNA testing is most accurate? While we…

Why A DNA Test Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Does anyone need a last-minute Christmas gift for a loved one? Why not order your loved one a CircleDNA test, print out the order confirmation, and explain…

Five DNA Tests Comparison: Is CircleDNA Good?

99.9% of our genes are identical. The seemingly small remainder of 0.1% of genes accounts for the magic behind all human genetic variation. Are you athletic? Where…

It’s In Your DNA: 20 Things You Didn’t Know Were Genetic

What can your DNA reveal about you? The traits, health conditions, natural gifts, talents and qualities about ourselves that are genetic are far more extensive than most…

CircleDNA Birthday Special: Inspiring Stories From Our #CircleChangemakers

CircleDNA just turned 2! Thank you for supporting us throughout our journey. What started out as a university spin-off by a team of professors focused on genetics…

Top 10 Benefits of DNA Testing

With great knowledge about oneself comes great power, and that’s why there are so many benefits of DNA testing. When you get a DNA test, you can…

Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month in 2021 with 6 CircleDNA Changemakers

6 inspiring CircleDNA Changemakers celebrate Pride Month by sharing their stories. Learn how you can understand yourself better and embrace your uniqueness. There is so much more…

How To Use CircleDNA Insights To Lose Weight: Joanna Soh Answers FAQs

Joanna Soh and Shien Ping discuss how to use CircleDNA insights to lose weight. Health and fitness influencer Joanna Soh collaborated with Shien Ping, a nutritionist and…

Is CircleDNA Premium Worth It? Josephine Chong Finds Out About Alzheimer’s Risks

Is CircleDNA Premium worth it? Joesphine Chong’s story with Alzheimer’s might be able to answer you. When I first became interested in obtaining DNA test results from…

How DNA Testing Changed Award-Winning Bodybuilder Mack Fitt

Bodybuilder Maciej Pijewski (you can call him Mack Fitt) has one of those physical transformation success stories that truly makes you believe in the power of self-motivation…